Thursday, February 28, 2013

Post-2015 Development Framework

The European Commission has released their position on a new development framework to replace the UN’s Millennium Development Goals after it expires in 2015. The Commission proposes the post-2015 framework should cover: basic human development and social protection; sustainable and inclusive growth, sustainable natural resource management, and to ensure peace, security and justice.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Environmental link in Poverty Goals

Actions to address climate change and depletion of natural resources should be a key caveat to reducing global poverty, according to a EU Commission plan entitled “Decent Life for All by 2030”, to be published later today. This plan is set to become the Commission’s negotiating position in forming the successor to the United Nation’s Millennium Developments Goals, due to expire in 2015.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Maldives to become UNESCO Biosphere Reserve

Responding to a call for Biodiversity Champions to support the Aichi Biodiversity Targets, the Government of Maldives has pledged for the entire country, including its Exclusive Economic Zone, to become a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve in 2017.  This will require the island nation take an ecosystem approach and become sites of management excellence where best available scientific knowledge are tested.

UNEP Upgraded

Over 150 environmental ministries from around the world are meeting today in the Governing Council of the UN’s Environment Programme, up from a previous group of 58 countries, to more effectively address cross-boundary problems such as toxic chemicals, overfishing and global warming.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Innovative Incentives programs for water conservation

China may be infamous for constructing mega-engineering schemes to transfer water from the wet south to the arid north, but as China Dialogue reports, it is also leading the world in incentives models that pay landowners to ensure clean water for downstream users and provide afforestation subsidies for watershed management nationwide.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Green Infrastructure

Cities in the US are developing green infrastructure through city-wide planting that strategically collect rainwater before it becomes road runoff and contaminated with oil, grease, pesticides, and end up in the sewerage network. Can Hong Kong to make way for green elements like these in its already congested streets?