Friday, May 24, 2013

Good News about Ivory Trade

Finally some progress on the ivory trade. 8 key countries that source, transit and import illegal ivory, including China, have developed National Ivory Action Plans in an effort to stem the illicit trade. These plans outline the urgent measures they intend to take on strengthening enforcement and regulations, and developing outreach and public awareness campaigns.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Land reclamation is not the answer to public housing shortage

Plans offered so far include only one reclamation site, out of five, that may be suitable for residential housing. The rest are intended for business, entertainment and ports development. Reclamation is only likely to contribute slightly, and in the distant future, to the gaping public housing shortage that Hong Kong currently faces.

Friday, May 10, 2013

HK's Ecological Footprint

An old working paper on Ecological Footprint was unearthed from the HK 2030 Vision Planning and Strategy exercise, which was initiated in the year 2000. The paper summarises existing HK-based and international studies, finding that Hong Kong’s ecological footprint ranges from a conservative 2.4 ha per capita, from a CEDD study, to 4.6 ha per capita. This requires roughly 148 to 267 times HK’s existing area to sustain local consumption.

Red List of Threatened Ecosystems

The IUCN is known of its authoritative Red List of Threatened Species, but researchers have recently developed criteria for assessing the vulnerability of individual ecosystems. Pilot testing in 20 ecosystems around the world, they found at one extreme the Aral Sea, which collapsed in the 1980-90s. Such information is vital for evidence-based environmental management. Other new IUCN initiatives include the Green List, which recognises efforts to prevent ecosystems from becoming more threatened, and a list of 100 most threatened species from the World Conservation Congress 2012 in Jeju, South Korea.;

State of Parks and Gardens in HK

If you think some of Hong Kong’s parks and gardens need an upgrade, you’re not alone. The Hong Kong Government’s Audit Commission released a report in March 2013 on the development and management of parks and gardens across the city, finding inadequacies in park services is widespread. It did, however, suggest that with the large reserves of open space in Hong Kong, and having the per capita quota for open space met, some of this land can be developed for other uses, such as to increase housing supply.

Monday, May 6, 2013

The Hong Kong Connection in Illicit Wildlife Trade

Hong Kong is no small fry in the world of illegal wildlife trade. It stands as both a consumption destination for wildlife goods, and a major transit hub to feed the lucrative and growing Chinese mainland market. While the Government is making strides in combating the trade, Civic Exchange’s Wilson Lau argues that greater international collaboration is needed.